Sunday, March 31, 2013

Homemade Hair Lighteners! (NO DAMAGE)

Has anyone ever wanted to lighten their hair without bleaching it or getting it professionally done?? well i did before i did a little research and found that there are many ways to naturally lighten your hair without any damage :)

There are many natural ways of producing highlights for your hair without using chemicals. This article review the many ways to lighten your hair color with home remedies and homemade hair lighteners and ways to provide highlights.
You can add highlights to your hair and lighten your hair color using natural home remedies that are gentle and do not damage the hair.

Using Lemon Juice to Lighten Your Hair

Lemon Juice is the most popular natural home method for lightening your hair color at home. You should be aware that many of the commercial hair lighteners claimed to be based on lemon juice contain artificial dyes and chemicals. Freshly squeezed lemon juice is strongly acidic and can dry your hair out and so it needs to be diluted adequately to stop and risk that it could damage your hair. The dilution rate should be at least 50:50 with water. It can be used as a simple rinse and can be left on your hair for 10-15 minutes. It is wise to use a natural conditioner after lightening your hair with lemon juice. If you can dry your hair in the sunshine. Lightening your hair using lemon juice is relative mild and it may take several treatments to work.

Olive oil as a Natural Hair Lightener

Olive Oil is very good for your scalp and provides a natural moisturizer and it also contains natural lightening agents. Add two tablespoons of olive oil to a cup of water and add one tablespoon of pure lemon juice. Rub the lemon and olive oil mixture into hair and leave it on for 30 minutes. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo to remove any excess olive oil.

Using Chamomile Tea to Lighten Your Hair

Standard chamomile tea, cooled and mixed with a little lemon juice can be rinsed through hair daily after washing your hair, until the desired effect is achieved. You can boost the effect by boiling chamomile flowers to make your own tea. Wash your hair normally and apply a conditioner, then rinse your hair with the tea, and dry your hair in the sun.

Using Honey to Condition and Lighten Your Hair

Honey is a wonderful natural hair lightener because it contains traces of hydrogen peroxide. Simply mix one tablespoon of honey into a cup of water and leave it on the hair for 20-30 minutes or longer. Add a tablespoon of olive oil to the help moisturize your hair. You can also add honey to your hair conditioner to achieve the same lightening effect. Honey hair lightening treatment is a subtle, gentle, and natural lightening process for your hair.

Ground Cinnamon as a Hair Lightener

Ground cinnamon is an excellent home remedy for lightening your hair and adding highlights. Mix 3 tablespoons of good quality ground cinnamon into a natural homemade hair conditioner or your favorite commercial conditioner to create a paste. Massage the mixture onto your scalp, run through your hair and comb it through using a wide toothed comb. Cover your hair with a plastic cap and leave the mixture on for several hours. Rinse your hair well, and repeat the treatment several times to achieve the color you want.

A Combined Natural Home Remedy for Lightening Your Hair

Mix the ingredients listed below and apply to wet hair. Focus on the strands of your hair that you want to highlight or just apply to all your hair for overall lightening. Cover your hair with a cap and leave on your hair for 3-4 hours or overnight. Rinse out and repeat as required to get the required color.
  • 1 cup honey
  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons of Cinnamon
  • 1 cup deep natural conditioner (for moisturizing)

Creating Natural Red Highlights

Using hibiscus or Jamaican sorrel can be used to create red colored highlights. Mix 2 cups Jamaican sorrel (dried or fresh), 2 cups of water and 2 tablespoons of honey in a small saucepan. Bring the water to the boil and let the sorrel to soak for 2-4 hours or overnight. Strain the liquid and stir in the honey and one tablespoon of cinnamon. Shampoo your hair normally. Then pour the liquid over the hair, massage in the scalp and apply to the areas to be highlighted. Wrap your hair with a cap and leave on your hair for 60 minutes or more and then rinse out.

making Burgundy Highlights using Beets

Beets are rich in antioxidants, folates, iron and Vitamin B and C and are very good for your hair and scalp. Beets are a very healthy vegetable. To use beets as a hair color treatment use the following ingredients and method.
  • 2 Beets
  • 1/2 tablespoon of water
  • 1 cup homemade conditioner or good quality commercial conditioner
Using a juicer or food processor blend the beets and other ingredients to a rich red liquid. Add the conditioner slowly, ensuring the mixture remains thick. Shampoo your hair normally and then massage the beet mixture into your hair from root to tip. Wrap your hair in a plastic cap and leave on your hair for 3-4 hours or overnight for a deeper richer color.

Using Beer to Lighten and Condition Your Hair

Light colored beer is a great rinse for hair that provides natural highlights. Empty about 4 small bottles of beer into a bathroom basin. Rub the beer through your hair several times, cover and leave on for 1-2 hours. Rinse your hair with cool water and apply a moisturizing conditioner. This will leave your hair shiny and manageable without tangles.

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